“Giving back to the future what has been left by the past.”
The long-term future of Tonnellerie Saury is wedded with that of its ecosystem. This is why we have long taken care to manage and reduce our environmental and social impact.
We strive to anticipate any risk of pollution and to manage and reduce the impact of our activities on the environment as much as we can. Our objectives are the following:
- To manage the amount of wood stored on the site,
- To manage the cost of our waste,
- To manage the consumption of diesel fuel internally.
Our Environmental Management System has been ISO14001 certified since 2014.
Managing and reducing the impact of our activities on the environment means recycling all of our wood raw material, reducing the packaging of our barrels and reducing our carbon footprint.
We strive to fully recycle all of our wood by-products, which represent the majority of our waste. We ensure that all of our wood-related products or offcuts from production are reused. For example, we use them as fuel for the barrel toasting fires and the wood boiler used to heat our premises.
Various alternatives have been tested in recent years. The packaging materials selected are those that best meet the objective of protecting the barrel, particularly its hygrometry, while reducing the amount used as much as possible. In 2022, we reduced the thickness of stretch PET film by 65% per barrel.
The use of galvanised steel hoops for the mechanical support of the barrels represents 28% of our emissions. The gradual reduction in the number of hoops used has enabled us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with transport and steel consumption.
Lastly, we are particularly attentive to the development of skills and expertise. Our employees are highly loyal to the company and its ethos. Two-thirds of them have been with us for over 15 years.
We strive to continually improve working conditions and health and safety by applying quality criteria to the selection of our Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Some of this equipment, such as hearing protectors, are custom-made for us.
We continuously preserve and pass on our skills and expertise. We ensure the learning of our various trades through the provision of in-house training delivered by the most experienced members of staff.
We place particular importance on the cleanliness and quality of the work environment to ensure that everyone works in modern and suitable interior spaces and landscaped, tree-filled and well-kept outside spaces.
As part of our CSR policy, at the end of 2022, we will set ourselves new social and environmental targets and determine the measures to be taken to achieve these.